Sunday, April 22, 2012


Ever since I decided to try and go back to church I have been getting work on Sundays. Coincidence??? or the Adversary?!! you decide. Cause I feel like the work has been a huge blessing. Does God not give blessings on Sundays? Either way, I'm giving huge thanks to God for these jobs, its been pretty awesome. I still feel totally guilty though. Keeping the Sabbath was the one rule I managed to keep somewhat intact for most of my life. Another one bites the dust I guess. How much is my integrity worth? If Jesus was in the room would I take the job? I guess not??? but where is the promise that it will pay off later? I need the money now. I guess my integrity isn't worth that much then. See! this is the inner dialogue that happens when you are Mormon! I know I'm not the only one with this turmoil. I simultaneously feel great for getting these jobs, and terrible for taking them. I'll never win.

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